Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reflective entry on Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

The Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary was established in 1954 after logging of the Bald Cypress Trees began wiping out the native swamp.The National Audubon Society joined to save and preserve native species within this natural habitat.

Winding through the boardwalk through the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary we came across distinct eco-systems. Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, Pine flatwoods, and wet prairie along with marsh wetlands.

While trailing through the wetlands, we spotted a Snowy Egret. In the late 1800's plume hunters killed thousands of Snowy Egrets for their feathers which were made into high fashion hats. In 1896 there was a campaign to boycott feathered hats and to protect wading birds.


Corkscrew has the first Living Machine waste water treatment system permitted in Florida. This innovative system, designed by Dr. John Todd, mimics nature with it's natural water restoration system instead of an artificial water treatment plant. The aquatic treatment system restores waste water to near-drinkable quality using native, nutrient-absorbing wetland plants and animals. The water flows through six different filtering tanks, using limestone sediments along with other native plants to clean the water.

Although when the water exits the filtering tank system it is clean, but state regulators require further precautions. It is disinfected with chlorine, pumped to a holding tank, and then pumped to a chamber to dechlorinate the water with sodium sulfite. The water is then recycled into the restrooms for flushing.

Conservation is the wise use, regulation, and restoration of the environment with endangered species. Stewardship can be known as the responsibility to take care of something belonging to someone else. Stewardship also symbolizes responsible planning and management of resources. Private non-profit organizations model how people should become a component in sustaining our environment and conserving the natural resources of our Earth.

Like-minded people can create change by bringing different backgrounds and aspects of the environmental movement together to collaborate. Civic Engagement requires individuals along with collective group actions to address the public issues. Not only working together will create change, but individual actions become the basis of progress.

The Corkscrew Sanctuary is part of the natural flow of water through the Everglades out to the South Gulf. The restorative efforts will improve the quality and quantity of water for the environment of Southwest Florida.

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