Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blog # 5

The major elements of “sustainable” farming are to feed everyone while improving the quality of the environment, and to also get the most out of our non-renewable resources. The type of farming not only promotes a healthier life for farmers but for society as a whole. Ecological principles are woven into this framework because the whole idea behind “sustainable” farming is that it is based on the ecology of the natural environment, where we focus on the relationship between organisms and their environment. Which would you buy organic or naturally labeled foods?
Personally I would buy organic just because of the fact that the USDA must approve it organic, rather than just having things that labeled “hormone free” or “all-natural”. I feel disconnected with the current food system because I cannot afford the luxuries of pricy organic foods.
If I was given the chance to grow vegetables or fruit on campus would you?
Yes, I would love to try it and see how easy or difficult it really is to grow your own, rather than buying your food. 

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