Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blog #6 ECHO

My overall opinion of ECHO was that it was a vital organization that greatly contributes to the fight against world hunger. The one thing that differentiates ECHO from other educational hunger control organizations is that they do not just give away food; they teach the civilians of these third world countries to grow their own food. So, if you are looking for charity than ECHO is not the organization for you, but ECHO really implements the ideas of the old saying
 “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, and you feed a man for life.”
ECHO stands for Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization and I believe that this is a great organization that teaches appropriate technology where they emphasize relatively small scale technologies that are not only eco-friendly, but are also very labor intensive. These small scale technologies seem relatively scarce in the “American” agriculture today; it seems that there has been a change throughout history from traditional farming to the highly lucrative factory type of farming. As you can tell my view on “American” agriculture today does not exactly correlate with the view of ECHO. I would be interesting in staying at ECHO for a month or two but I do not think I would want to leave the comforts of not having to kill my meat myself. I would probably become a vegetarian.

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