Friday, April 27, 2012

Blog #9

Is energy to cheap? No, at least not my bills from FPL. is conservation a dirty word? 8 believe conservation is not a dirty word, because we needed to conserve at least some of the natural beauty of the environment. the biggest issue with conservation in my mind is human greed. The United States of American is the most individualistic country in the world and this has caused a rapid growth in urbanization. the funny things about improving your standard living is that ou a deforming the environments natural feel literally. These urban jungles and increasing revenue is all we care about these days. President carter and his famous fireplace talks have inspired people to make a change in their lives by turning the thermostats down a couple of degrees in the winter and up a few in summer, but even these direct presidential talks allowed people to ridicule him calling him "Jimmy Cardigan." With regards to alternative energies I believe that goverment intervention is editable, but I would like to think of myself as a "free-marketeer" but I am just another one of the individual's living in a ethnocentric community.the renewable energy that has the most potential in my mind is Solar energy. Because like every living thing we get energy from the sun, it grows our food, and can even power our stoves...The steps that I could take tomorrow to change my ecological footprint would be to carpool instead of driving my non eco-friendly car which gets only about 17 miles per gallon. In the next five years I will hopefully be making more money which does in fact open up more doors to be sustainable, because I therefore buy a more fuel effiecient car which could market the new growing initiative for going green!

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