Friday, April 27, 2012

Blog #8 Climate Change

In my view climate change is caused by a combination of both man made and natural forces. So the real question is should we believe the media or just keep polluting without a care in the world because we think that all of these horrific so "natural disasters" keep happening around the world. I believe that climate change is editable but humans with all there urbanization have just made the rate at which the climate naturally evolves increase. So where do we get information about climate change or in other words who is a credible source? Well I would most likely believe a scientist over a preacher, so therefore, I think that the most creditable sources of tracking climate change would be the scientific community. Another source could be the elderly because they my have actually experienced some of these climate changes and will be able to explain their first hand experience.The real question is will there be a planet for our grandchildren or will climate evolve into something inhabitable by them? Only a higher power would know that.

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